About Me


It all started in…

…seventh grade, when I noticed that the kids who gravitated towards me mostly had big issues - abuse, pregnancy, rape, “getting sent to juvie,” etc. At the time of course, I didn’t know what else to do except be there for them. I knew how to listen and offer acceptance and support, and I listened to their experiences and their hopes and dreams.

That was the beginning of my long journey to becoming a life coach.

I believe that you are the expert on yourself, resourceful and already knowing what to do, but maybe you don’t quite know that you know.

My programs are designed to help you uncover that knowledge. They are based in psychosynthesis, a little-known holistic approach to the personality and human development that is flexible in its techniques, structure and processes. Exercises are geared toward emotional, behavioral and spiritual growth towards self-discovery. Many bypass self-criticism and self-censorship for faster access to the unconscious, where the troubles lie and where change happens. This is the key to more effective problem solving, to becoming more resilient, and to growing emotionally and spiritually, while finding and sharing joy. Depression, anxiety, trauma, substance abuse, job concerns and relationship issues are just some of the life challenges that have been successfully overcome through psychosynthesis.

Based in Springfield, MA, I am a certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach, a growth-oriented collaborative approach, with the coach acting as a guide rather than an "expert." I see my clients as travelers on their life journey of discovery, and hold them accountable as they move forward.

I have served people from diverse backgrounds, and have myself traveled some of the roads that my clients now find themselves on. This makes me a great listener and supportive guide.

My skills are derived from my MA in forensic psychology and training in many areas of mental health and psychological growth. And as a photographer, dancer and poet I incorporate my creative spark and inspiration into my programs.

I am a member of the Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis, the Western Massachusetts Coaching Alliance, Small Planet Dancers, WriteUp Springfield and Out/Spoken Poets (a program by Magdalena Gomez, Poet Laureate of Springfield MA).

All programs offered by Oasis in the Storm are conducted online and meet on a weekly basis, except Peace-Making Circles, which meet online or on location in Western Massachusetts.

Dori looks forward to meeting new travelers wishing to start, continue or re-invent their life journey.